Industrial development brings people more and more comfortable life. In contrast, many industrial wastes are also produced and cause environmental pollution, for example, environmental problems, such as heavy metal pollution of water and soil, eutrophic water and environmental odor. Environmental pollution does not only cause ecological crisis, but also causes agricultural and economic losses and even causes the human injuries or deaths.
1. Heavy metal pollution
1) Heavy metal pollutes water
Do you dare to drink such water?
Water pollution not only affects our livelihood, but also destroys the ecology of nature.
2) Heavy metal soil pollution
The land that gave birth to us is damaged in this way.
It not only affects our daily life, but also affects the production of agricultural products.
2. Eutrophication of water quality
The eutrophication of water quality not only causes poor perception and a lot of fish deaths, but also causes environmental malodor.
3. Environmental odor
Many chemical or leather factories, and group meal factories, often cause many odors during material reaction or cleaning food, which makes the lives of nearby residents difficult. As time passes, this will cause various diseases.
4. Shell powder
BioWare grinds and refines the shell powder, and treats it with the unique microbial fermentation technology, to produce high-quality, soft and fine white powder. According to the research, after adding different formulations, it can be applied to heavy metal polluted water and soil, sterilization, inhibition of algae growth, and even clearing the environmental odors of the factory. We look forward to solve environmental pollution and improve the quality of our lives.