BioWare Gene Gun
Its nozzles are designed to use lower pressure or cheaper gas to deliver various kind of biological materials into the target cells, tissues, animals and plants effectively in supersonic speed.
Comparing BioWare gene gun and the current products on the market, the latter is more expensive, can't be effectively clinicalized and must use gold particles as a carrier.
BioWare gene gun's manufacturing cost is relatively low and it is easier to use, and it is a quite competitive product of the same types of models.
Lightweight and easy to operate is the most important characteristic of future gene guns for clinical treatment.
The invented apparatus implements miniaturization device with low cost.
The prototype of the gene gun developed by our company has completed vivo tests of animal and plant in laboratory.
Further development of product will give priority to foreign biotech instrument manufacturers or their subsidiaries in Taiwan as a partner for consultation or participation in development.
3. Application project
Currently the gene gun is mainly used in the following areas:
3) Gene therapy
4. Comparison between BioWare Gene Gun and Traditional Gene Gun
(1) Does not cause damage to the tissue, and the sample damage rate is reduced
(2) Low pressure, low dose, low noise
(3) Lower price
(4) Helium can be replaced by nitrogen
(5) No need to use gold particles as a carrier
(6) The machine is light
2. Disadvantages of traditional models:
(1) Uneven distribution of particles, and damage to tissue
(2) The resulting sonic boom is unbearable for the test animal
(3) Machines are expensive
(4) The sample preparation process is complicated
(5) Small application range of delivery materials
National Innovation Award in 2002
International journal papers published
as a strategy for the enhancement of DNA vaccine potency.ORIGINAL ARTICLE.Gene Therapy (2010),1–12
31. Lin Chi-Chen,Yu Yen-Ling,Shih Chia-Chiao,Liu Ko-Jiunn,Ou Keng-LiangHong Ling-Zong,Chen Jody D. C.,Chu Ching-Liang. A novel adjuvant Ling Zhi-8 enhances the eYcacy of DNA cancer vaccine by activating dendritic cells. ORIGINAL ARTICLE. Cancer Immunol Immunother(2011).
fibroblast.ORIGINAL ARTICLE.(2011).
33 Wang Bao-Wei,Lin Chiu-Mei,Wu Gong-Jhe,Shyu Kou-Gi.Tumor necrosis factor-α enhances hyperbaric oxygen-induced visfatin expression via JNK pathway in human coronary arterial endothelial cells.Journal of Biomedical Science 2011, 18:27
41. Wang BW, Wu GJ, Cheng WP, Shyu KG (2014) MicroRNA-208a Increases Myocardial Fibrosis via Endoglin in Volume Overloading Heart. PLoS ONE 9(1):e84188. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0084188.
42. KG Shyu, WP Cheng, BW Wang and H Chang. .Hypoxia activates muscle-restricted coiled-coil protein (MURC)