Research items

Chinese herbal medicine development

      The more the civilization is progressed, the more kinds of civilized diseases appear, such as cancer, adiposity, diabetes, metabolic syndrome and immune diseases. Therefore the patients and their family suffer serious impacts of life and economy. Based on the former research results, BioWare extracted and concentrated the suitable herbal medicines into essences, will apply them in various disease studies in the future, and expects to achieve the goals of safe and effective therapy.

1.Malignant Tumor

According to official statistics, one person gets cancer per 5 minutes.
It means the war between human and cancer is more and more fiercely.

1) The possible causes of cancer
    -Environmental factors (air, water and soil pollution, and UV)Diet type
    -Diet type
    -Sleeping time
    -Excessive smoking and drinking

2) Current treatment
     Main types:(1) surgery    (2) chemotherapy   (3) radiotherapy  ----------> Golden triangle of therapy


      New types: (4) target therapy    (5) immunotherapy

3) The risk of chemotherapy

According to the research, 80% of cancer patients died in chemotherapy rather than cancer.


4) The development of anticancer Chinese herbal medicine

     BioWare focuses on developing Chinese herbal medicines for human safety and to anticancer. Hope to help the cancer patients to gain the healthy and beautiful life again.

2. Obesity

Life and diet types change with civilization progress. Obese population is increasing year by year.

According to the research, the ratio of obese man and woman is high around the world.

1) The causes of obesity
    Adipocytes will store any excess energy in the fat form. The volume of cell will swell to be 2 to 3 times or more. And the number of adipocytes will increase continuously to store more fat. Thus, it leads to obesity.


2) The Risk from obesity
     According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the risk of obese people suffer the following diseases is 2 to 3 times more than healthy people:
     (1) Diabetes
     (2) Metabolic syndrome
     (3) Gallbladder disease
     (4) Dyslipidemia
     (5) Hypertension
     (6) Hyperuricemia
     (7) Cancer

3) Expected effect
    BioWare focuses at present to study whether concentrated extract decreases adipocytes and energy source by smearing treatment to inhibit patients’ obesity and make them become slim.


3. Other types of diseases

     There are so many diseases. Besides focusing on cancer and obesity, BioWare also study other diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, autoimmune disease, metabolic syndrome, inflammation. We hope to treat various diseases effectively without side effects, and provide people a healthy and safe future.